Realms of Incarnated Earth Angels

I was incredibly relieved when I learned about my realms (mermaid/elf hybrid) from my Angel Therapy teacher, Dr. Doreen Virtue, as well as mermaid researcher, William Mistele. It made me understand so much about my nature.

I hope this information will help you to understand yourself and love yourself more.

This information can be found in the books Earth Angels, and Realms of the Earth Angels, by Doreen Virtue. I took much of this from my notes at the Angel Therapy Practitioner Training with Doreen in Kona, Hawaii in 2008, as well as some other sources..but please buy her books for the full list of realms. This is just a partial listing..

First of all, earth angels or lightworkers are those who feel a compelling desire to help humanity, to save the planet, oceans,etc, to better this world. The desire is like a compulsion, and when you are not living your mission, you may feel a deep anxiety, nervousness, fears, terrors, or even suicidal tendencies. Lightworkers incarnated to bring light and love to our planet, Mother Earth. We all have different purposes here, and it is helpful when you understand your realm.

You know you are an earth angel when you feel like an alien here on earth, often wondering when the bus will come pick you up from this strange place. You may feel different from others, misunderstood, and generally alienated.

Earth angels are also EXTREMELY sensitive to energies, to people, to environments. They need time alone to recharge. They need to frequently be in MOTHER NATURE, to reconnect to Gaia/Mother Earth’s healing energies.

Lightworkers also need plenty of time to recharge with sleep and/or meditation, in addition to being in Nature. It is said that Indigos may need 10-12 hours a night of sleep, because that is when the soul often gets downloads from higher realms and recharges from the influx of worldly activity in the day. Of course, Rudolf Steiner says that the soul recharges at night during sleep, going to the astral realm.

Earth angels also have a history of abusive, frustrating,  or difficult relationships. They often incarnated into families with abusive or abandoning parents who didn’t get them at all. They don’t feel that they belong to their families. (or we try to rescue our families!)

Earth angels look much younger than their chronological age.

They may often have addictions such as alcohol, food, or other drugs or substances, to numb out the pain of being here on Earth, and to forget our divine assignments. Once we connect to Source energy, we can get past our addictions and realize our true divine nature and shine our lights.


Incarnated Angels often can be overweight or chubby, because they need to eat to ground themselves or to shield themselves from the harsh energies of this world. They are often compulsive overeaters.

They are always helping others, and have a history of abusive relationships, since they are attracted to addicts and wounded people, in an attempt to heal them or love them.  They are the bleeding hearts of Mother Earth. They need to learn assertiveness, and to say no.

They are often in professional helping fields. They do well with structure and prefer working for a company, or one on one. They don’t really like public speaking.

They may also have chronic fatigue syndrome, since they, like all realms, are extremely sensitive to energies, and they need to frequently shield and cleanse themselves.(You can shield by visualizing light around you like a coccoon).

They often have very angelical, beautiful faces, with light hair or highlights.

They often give much, trying to heal addicts, abusers, and needy people, and end up feeling victimized and unheard. They often fear abandonment, and it is hard for them to state their needs. They must learn to speak up.

They also need to learn to exercise! Daily! Angels speak to us on the molecules of oxygen, so we can more easily get messages from our angels and spirit guides when exercising.

There are also incarnated cherubs! They are so sweet and beautiful and romantic!

WISE ONES: Reincarnated Sorceresses, High-priestesses, Sorceres, Wizards, Shamans and Witches.

High Priestess, from Doreen Virtue’s Goddess Oracle Card Deck

Wise ones are intense, exotic, and eccentric. They look like romantic characters, with long, silky hair, oval faces, and and long flowy Renaissance-style clothes. They possess deep wisdom and are highly intuitive. They can read through people and penetrate others. They see truth. They know.

They are humans who learned in past lives how to heal and manifest, with powers such as telekinesis, etc. They are the magicians of yore, from civilizations such as Atlantis, ancient Egypt, ancient Greece, Mayans and Essenes.

Wise Ones have a deep sorrow in their eyes, because they have witnessed so many lifetimes of civilzations being destroyed, so much suffering, and the inability of humans to learn. Many of them were burned at the stake in past lives, as “witches” who were really females with deep intuitive knowledge and herbal healing abilities. They remember being afraid of the Inquisition, the Knights TEmplar, the Cathar trials, etc…as a matter of fact, many of them hold back their knowledge and power because of these past lives of persecution.

They have a heavier, sombre energy, almost to the point of being stern. They often give advice and can be called “know it alls” because, well, they do know it all 🙂  They want to help others and share their deep knowledge and wisdom. They don’t like superficial conversations. They would rather teach and be deep.

They are generally here on Earth continuing their studies of astrology, hermetics, Goddess culture, crystal healing, herbology, shamanism, energy healing,  Atlantis, Avalon, Lemuria, etc.

They have a special bond with the Elemental realms, as they often works with and  befriend fairies, elves, and other elemental realms. They often end up in relationships with elementals, since elementals are more fun and playful, whereas wise ones are heavy and sombre and serious.

They love to wear large crystal necklaces and romantic gowns and clothes.

They  often have dragons, wizards, and goddesses as their spirit guides.

Sadly, they may have heart problems because, well, it breaks their heart to see humanity in such a destructive condition. And more sad is that they want so much to heal and love humanity, but people are not always receptive to their wisdom. They want so much to teach and heal others, and it pains them that people don’t listen.They can’t NOT teach!

Wise Ones yearn for deep, magical soulmate relationships with their Beloved, and until this comes, they may choose to stay alone or even stay in an unfulfiling relationship. They may be celibate due to past-life vows of celibacy and monkhood.

They do better being their own bosses, being leaders, teachers, psychics, and other sorts of magicians or healers.

ELVES are a race of wise ones, just like in the movie Lord of the Rings. They are deep and serious, and claircognizant (see other blog on how to connect to your angels). They just know things.

There are different kinds of elves: wood elves, water elves, sun elves, moon elves, light elves, forest elves, etc…

Lady Galadriel, Queen of the Elves

They are very slender and graceful, with angular, long features, and large, almond-shaped yes. They have that same deep knowing in their eyes that all wise ones have, with a deep sadness about the violence and ignorance on Earth.

Elves love to wear transparent flowy clothing and live in Nature so they can communicate with the creatures of the forest.

They do not age as other creatures do, looking exactly as their 25-year old selves until death. They grow physically weaker and mentally stronger as they age.


Elementals are fun and playful. They look like their namesakes, the realm they are from: fairies, elves, pixies, gnomes (earth elementals), unicorns, mermaids (water elementals), salamanders (fire elementals), sylphs (air elementals), etc…

Elementals often have red hair and Celtic appearances. Unlike angels, elementals love to break rules and play. They have a more fiery, passionate disposition and are often very artistic, musical, or comedic. They can be very flirtatious, promiscuous, and naughty.

They are childlike and hate rules.

Whereas angels have feathered wings (in their astral body), elementals have dragonfly or butterfly wings.

They love to have fun and joke, and sometimes are found at the cantina drinking 🙂 They often have addictions (which angels are busy trying to heal and rescue!)

Whereas angels have voluptuous bodies, elementals have thin bodies with fast metabolism, with the exception of mermaids who are voluptuous (because they are a hybrid realm).

Elementals are often in relationship with WISE ONES.

Elementals incarnate on earth to help clean up the environment, oceans,  and help the animals. They need a lot of time alone in Nature to recharge, or they become depressed. They prefer the company of animals and plants to humans. They are angry at the human race for hurting the planet, and animals. They don’t really fit in the work-a-day world.  They can be loners and introverts even though they like to party.

Fairies are cute, sweet, and love to wear cutesy clothes, sheer skirts, etc. They can be party animals.


MERPEOPLE (MERMAIDS) are a hybrid realm of Wise One and Elemental. Books have been written about this magical realm by William Mistele, at He has shared videos about mermaids at

Mermaids are both intelligent and very beautiful, being magnetic and of the astral water element. They are fluid femininity. They often have long, wavy red hair with greenish eyes. They often feel cold, and need to drink lots of water.

Merbeings love to live near water. Merfairies are drawn to rivers and lakes, while merangels, and star-mers feel connected to the ocean.

They often remember past lives in Atlantis or Lemuria, two ancient ocean civilizations with merpeople.

Mermaids have hourglass figures and love to wear feminine clothing and the color turquoise.

Most mermaids deeply seek a soulmate partner, and are always yearning for deep romantic love. They want union and oneness since they are of the water element. They need to love, to connect, but in a very deep way.

They are highly intuitive, can see through people, and don’t like superficiality.

They are curvaceous and love to eat.

They are passionate about oceans, rivers, lakes, dolphins, and they resonate to animals and children well.

Merangels are voluptuous with heart-shaped faces, and merfairies are more party animals. They have special bonds with water fairies, called undines.

Star-mers (starseed mers) are more loners who prefer to be in the ocean alone. They love to look at the starry skies while drifting on a boat in the middle of the ocean. They connect to their home planets through the energy of the water’s ions.

Please read the separate post on human mermaids if you are interested in this topic. Or see the website of, a human mermaid greeter and researcher on Earth.


This realm is a sort of spiritual warrior; like knights who want to serve humanity and protect, but they are wise ones, magical, like high priests and sorcerers, bodyguards of high priests, shaolin monks, samurai warriors, and other highly disciplined spiritual warriors.


Starseeds are starborn humans, from other galaxies and planets, such as Orion, Sirius, the Pleiades, Andromeda, etc.

Many starseeds started incarnating around the time of Atlantis.

They may not have incarnated previously on Earth, although many have had many lives here. They may feel awkward and shy here. They feel as if they were dropped off here on Earth and feel out of place, and don’t relate to their biological families (as is the case with many lightworkers).

They don’t like attention and accolades. They are almost invisible and just want to help and serve others.

They can be very sweet, non-aggressive, non-competitive, and don’t expect thanks for their services.

They love to wear metallics because metallic colors ward off negativity.

They can have a low body temperature and compelling eyes.


Indigos incarnated in the 70s/80s and have a lot of warrior fire in them. They came to Earth to stop the BS (they certainly have BS detectors and can see through lies and nonsense, and will call it out). They are here as warrior souls who want to bring truth, love, and a higher vibration life to Earth. That means re-vamping the existing dead systems like education and other systems which are not based on higher knowledge but on making humans into robots and authority-driven slaves.

Indigos want to wake up humanity, although they may not always know how. As children, they have such a high energy frequency that they appear to have ADD or ADHD (which Doreen calls Attention dialed to a higher dimension) because they are too full of life to sit through the deadening school system. So sadly they are often drugged which makes them numb out.

It is really important for indigos to be on whole, pure food diets. Any form of sugar or chemicals or preservatives can wreak havoc on their sensitive nervous systems and may them react terribly. They need frequent etheric vaccuming (using Archangel Michael or other beings) and frequent cleansing techniques. They need to be able to channel their energy into useful projects that make them feel that they make a difference.

12 thoughts on “Realms of Incarnated Earth Angels

  1. Great post! I’m an Indigo Starseed Old Soul/Wise One who just recently awakened to her Arcturian origins. I’ve had many monastic and shamanic incarnations. It is VERY empowering to re-member who you are. Blessings and thanks for sharing ❤

  2. I thank you immensely for this write up. Lisa said it, it is very empowering to understand what you are! I am a Incarnated Wise-One – High Priestess, Winged One (Egyptian), Indigo, Star Seed – Pleiades, fairae, aspects of Elve and Salamander, and the Star Seed Orion. By using your website i’ve been able to help others find who they are. This is very special. Thank you – Much Love and Light.

  3. Hello and thank you. I am hoping you can help please. I am a 63 yr old female snd have been fighting fears of done kind all my life. Have BDB a complete rescuer ending up in abusive relationships and never really fitting in, whether at home, work it play. I feel I may have been called to do a healing course in Bowen Therapy and when actioned on this, completed the practical then had ongoing illness which prevented the completion of the written part. It has now been 7 months since finishing the practical, and have reached out to complete the written part. My illness had subsided, yet now that I intend starting back to it, I am overcome totally by fear and nervousness, to the point of not doing. I have Reiki training and that is helping, and I get into nature as often as I can. I work full time in s job I hate, yet am extremely grateful to have as it pays the bills and allows me to get my angel books and cards and give to family etc. I am really distressed at not moving forward in my course, and I think it is because I am finally working toward my divine purpose, however, the overwhelming fears continually return and I spend s great deal of time re-calming myself in order to continue my day job and haven’t yet been able to actually sit and do the written part of my course. The College has kindly given me an extension and I want to get it done. The fear is stopping me, even when I sit to do it, I cannot focus properly. I wake in the middle of the night in a panic and gave great nerves in the morning that completely sidetrack me. Can you please help me to overcome this. I feel like I have so much to do and yet cannot seem to get past the fear. Any help you can give would be greatly appreciated. I love Doreen’s work and have some of her decks and books, which all help, yet the fear still comes back and overrides. Can you please suggest some way I may be able to overcome this fear so that I no longer struggle with it on a daily basis. I want to eventually stop my day job and be a healer. My life is marching on, and I am still not a practicing professional healer. I am hopeful you will be able to help, my Angrks, and Archangels, are all here with me, though I cannot see them, my diet is non existent, feeling unable to ‘cook’ for myself – zero desire or motivation, and picking up quick good instead of cooking. Mentally I know what to do and what needs to be done, just cannot seem to make it happen. I have traced it back to having uncontrollable fear that I an running out of time, am afraid I will fail, even though I know mentally that God is with me, and I cannot fail when he is leading me. Can you recommend how I can get past this please? I hope I am not asking too much of you, I am really grateful that you are reading this email. May God and the Angels be with you now and always
    In Love Peace and Harmony

  4. Hi I love your post. I strongly resonate with mermaids and elves. I am reading Tolkien books. I might not look tall and slender but I relate to the personality type. I love mountains and Norse mythology. I am curvy and I like the colour turquoise.

  5. i have a serious problem, somebody have been coming to have sexual intercourse with me in the dream. i saw a spiritualist and she told me that i have a mermaid wife. i saw another spiritualist she told me that my ANGEL is not happy with me. one night i was praying in the night @ about 12 am i saw her in trance, she was naked, slim and was lying down in a beautiful field in that realm. i did not see wings or dragon on her. i want to know if she is a mermaid or an angel. she is on my neck now and has cause disease called partial stroke to me because the left part of body is weak. pls am in real pains. help me with useful informations. i shall be grateful if i see your reply soonest.

  6. I love your post! Very descriptive ans precise.
    I’m an Evolving Soul. It’s not on the list, but its a soul who went through many realms in the process of evolution.
    For example: I’m an angel who first incarnated in Atlantis. Atlantean Incarnated Angel. Then, when Atlantis died right before my eyes, I begun a journey that led me to become a Wise One. Atlantean Mystic Angel. I also sent through a soul exchange program with the Elemental Realm, so I am also an honorary member of the Elemental Realm.
    It’s complicated. That would make me a Atlantean Forest Fairy-Mystic Angel.

  7. Do you yourself do readings? Or teach? I am interested in getting in contact with someone to help me figure out my origin.

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