Meditation is our natural means of connecting with the Divine

I am sure that the world would turn to paradise if all humans practiced meditation.

I was very fortunate that my guru found me when I was young. I was initiated into Light and Sound Meditation (Surat Shabd yoga, or yoga of the Light and Sound Current) when I was a child.

Of course, nothing is simple luck or randomness, since I had been connected to this lineage of masters and this meditation path for many lifetimes.

My spiritual teacher/master/guru (same thing) gave me Initiation, which means that he opened my inner eye to connect to the sights of the higher realms and my soul, and he opened my inner ear to hear the divine sound current of the soul and higher realms as well. He was connected to a very ancient tradition of inner meditation, which is universal (the word catholic means universal) and beyond the outer differences of religion, culture, etc.

When I was in high school, I used to meditate for several hours before school, and enjoy my connection to the soul life and sound current. I still do so to this present day.

Nothing gives me more bliss than meditation for hours a day, and my soul naturally wakes me up in the wee morning hours to sit up and meditate, to enjoy bathing in inner light and love.

See, our physical body is only a shell for other bodies that we have, that are made of varying degree of density, of matter and spirit. (for specific details, see article on etheric, astral and causal bodies, or books on this by Theosophist Arthur Powell). Our consciousness, or attention, which is the outward expression of our soul, is constantly outward, being drained in the outer world of mind and matter: we are always focused on outer things, people, places, or concepts and thoughts. But the soul yearns for its true home beyond mind and matter, beyond this harsh world of endless things, this quagmire of stuff. (if you are interested in further study on this matter, see the books of my grand master teacher, Sant Kirpal Singh, all free at

It is tiring to endlessly be outwardly focused, and it pulls the soul’s energy downward. When the soul learns how to go upward naturally, it enjoys the nectar coming from its spiritual essence, from higher realms. It feels its natural state of bliss, love, purity, relaxation, peace, and beauty. Our true essence is bliss and love, which we are seeking truly in everything we do.

I feel so much blissfulness pulse through my entire being when I meditate, and I feel so incredibly energized.  I receive so much inside in mediation, through the marvelous love vibration of that sound current. When I spent years in India meditating under the guidance of my wonderful teacher, I found it easy to meditate for up to 15 hours a day, because the soul naturally yearns for that higher bliss and love connection, that connection to our higher self, to the Oversoul, to the Divine within us.

I have always felt that people who use any kind of drugs are really seeking the bliss that we find naturally in meditation. I had a friend who used to be a heroine addict, and he told me that once he quit heroin, he started practicing yoga, and the bliss that he felt in savasana was similar to the high he felt on drugs. I know that humans seek every sort of means to find what we naturally can access inside, at the level of our own soul.

Meditating cleanses the inner bodies by bathing it in the higher vibrations of light, sound, and love. This higher energy cleanses away the dross and negativity of the outer sensory impressions as well as the mental overload. Our mind is a wonderful instrument, and it is called the budhi in Sanskrit, that wonderful instrument of discrimination and discernment, with its myriad thought processes. However, the soul is much higher and wiser than the mind, and the mental faculties are best used in service to the soul’s wisdom.

I have noticed that I am much more sensitive to more subtle realms, feelings, and vibrations when I meditate more. In fact, when I started meditating, I naturally was developing my intuitive faculties and my natural sense of clairsentience, claircognizance, clairvoyance, and clairaudience. Naturally, when you are focusing on your subtle bodies, and on the higher, finer frequencies of the higher realms, you become more attuned to these frequencies, whereas in our modern rat race with its onslaught of excess media, people become desensitized to not only higher vibrations and subtle energies, but even to their own feelings! This is what creates psychopathy and psychological numbness (subject of another article).

My compassionate, loving teacher told us that we should meditate to open our hearts to feel the cry of every ant and every blade of grass. We humans are meant to be healers to the entire planet, caretakers of the Earth, but only if we are attuned to those higher vibrations of love, of our own soul.

I have found through meditation that it is not difficult to connect to more subtle beings such as trees, animals, or even angels, fairies, and other beings of higher realms. And this is nothing special really. It is totally normal. I am convinced that humans are naturally supposed to develop these faculties to become telepathic and intuitive beings in every way. It is our nature.

The Sound Current has been spoken of in many cultures and religions, just with different names. The Greek mystics like Plato referred to it as the Logos. The Ancient Hindus called it the Anahata Shabda, or the Unstruck Sound, which is the Sound reverberating eternally in the Universe, as opposed to the Ahata Shabda, or Struck Sound, which is all the sound of this universe, made via matter.

The Unstruck Sound comes from a divine source and is everywhere. We just have to tune into it, like a radio frequency. Most people are tuned into the frequency of dense matter, but mystics tune into the frequency of the Sound current.

Some people try to access this realm through psychedelics and other mind-altering substances, but this has its cost. The use of any of these substances can open up holes in the astral body for the entry of entities and other random beings.  I feel that instead of truly raising the consciousness in a conscious way, it creates more static and lack of clarity and invites in too many lower entities.
I would never go near any drug in my life.Every food and drink has its physical, astral, and causal constituent, and affects all of our bodies at a deep vibratory level!

Rather, it is wise to cleanse and purify the body with a sattvic (pure, vegetarian) lifestyel, and eat a plant-based diet with mostly raw foods in their natural state. This creates a naturally high vibration and opens the intuitive channels and the natural feeling of ecstasy, as well as facilitating the natural journey of the soul upward. I feel sad seeing so many people turn to psychedelic substances to get a mystical experience, when it can only take them to the astral or causal plane at best, and leaves them open to entities and dark energies. It is so much more natural to take the mystical path of discipline in meditation, to calm the mind with the Sound Current, which is powerful and takes the soul to very high planes without the need of a single drug, ever.

This lush and deep sound current has been named the Tao by Lao Tze; the Sarosha by Zarathustra; the Word by some Christian mystics; the Nad by Hindu mystics;  and the Saut-i-Samardi by Sufi mystics. They all spoke of the higher worlds, and of the amazing Sound current that gives birth to all matter and sustains the Universe.

Religion has two aspects: the external, exoteric aspect which focuses on rites, rituals, and outer actions and beliefs, and then there is the ESOTERIC or internal aspect, which is beyond outer actions or rites, and takes the soul to higher realms. All of the world’s mystics have spoken of this: Meister Eckhart, Rumi, Hafiz, Christ, Saint Teresa of Avila, Kabir, Lalla, Rabia, Mirabai, Nanak, Sultan Bahu, Paramhansa Yogananda, etc…there are always mystics on this earth, working with the inner realms of soul.

I have enjoyed reading the Essene Gospel of Peace, which are the original words of Christ, where he speaks of the Sound Current, but only to his inner circle of disciples. It is a very esoteric (hidden) teaching. And of course there is a great deal of emphasis there on the angels of the earth, air, fire, and water, as well as a purifying vegetarian diet. This gospel was translated secretly in the Vatican by Edmund Bordeaux Szekely.

These books are actually available for free on the internet at

I feel so grateful to have this mystical technique in my life, and I hope that other humans will be able to have a taste of the mystical bliss so they can see how we are truly meant to live in bliss, in soul.

On Acting as Soul Retrieval

I feel sad when I hear people speak of acting as pure superficiality with ego.

Yes, this is a big part of the acting world, and especially of Hollywood and celebrity-dom, but there is the true essence of acting, which is soul-ful and profound.

I have always felt that the desire to be an actor springs from a noble soul place, from a desire to share and radiate the beauty of the soul to humanity. In some cases, with the right mentors, it is also deeply healing to the heart and soul. It is a sacred art of the soul, revealing the soul in us, in its depth and beauty, which ultimately deeply heals by connecting us to soul and each other, to our common humanity.

I am lucky to have a teacher who is not only an acting teacher, but a shaman, a bio-energetic therapist and deep wise woman. She always does bio-energetic grounding exercises to connect us to our bodies (our cultures has us all in our heads all of the time) and also our hearts, all energetically. (And, yes, I went through several abusive acting teachers to finally find this one).

Today, several students got up to tell their story, the one that is deep and powerful and usually secret and shame-ful. Then others acted it out, and the synchronicity of it all was profound. There were no dry eyes, and all hearts were open. A girl even connected to her deceased grandmother, as part of the healing.

We all have deep stories to share, and we all as humans yearn to reveal the depth and beauty of our soul, as well as the darkness. it is very healing to reveal your grief, shame, and be real, take off the mask. true acting requires you to come out of ego, out of the false mask, and be intimate….

I believe that the desire to act is a desire to be real, to be vulnerable, to share your deepest self and feelings with your fellow men; what could be more beautiful? It is sharing that which is universal to all of us at a deep level. It is healing. Any form of self-revelation must be healing.

I love what Stella Adler said about acting. She said first that anyone who really wants to be an actor must be simply mad. Insane. It is not an easy profession, one rarely receives approval or understanding from family or society, and often artists are starving.But she said “you become an actor because everyday reality is not enough for you.”  You are an artist, meaning you connect to the collective unconscious, to the realm of magic and beauty, wonder…and you want to bring this to this cold concrete world. You want to paint it with color.

Adler said that the actor can transcend the limitations of everyday reality. He can express himself freely and continue developing for as long as he lives.

She said that “artists are together, helping eachother’s soulfulness to emerge.”

It is through thinking about and experiencing the magnitude of the eternal questions of life, to which there are no easy answers nowadays, theat the modern actor becomes articulate onstage.  The modern actor has the responsibility to “give people something that will change them.”

Adler asked us to become “a giant for expressing large ideas” by detaching from everything commonplace. She said we could not afford to be ordinary soul. We needed courage to relinquish the desire for popularity, self-discipline to be

The actor has a built-in broken heart, which helps him to understand, to have compassion. The actor pays a price, and the price is his heart.

The actor’s discipline is to give one’s self and keep one’s humanity.  To wake up the soul is the essence of the actor’s struggle for human development.

The Cathars and troubadour poetry

Did you know about the cathars?
They lived in medieval times in Southern France, being a group of gnostic Christians who honored the Sacred Feminine, allowing for the equality of men and women.
They were gnostic, meaning they believed in the direct inner mystical experience.
They also were peaceful and gentle vegetarians, against killing of all forms.

The beautiful troubadour poetry arose in Cathar France: poetry that praised the spiritual relationship between a man and a woman, whereby the man honored the spiritual qualities in a female.

Earthly male-female love found its highest form in this love, as the knight surrenders to the highest qualities in his female adoree. He yearns to be virtuous and pure. This was the basis of courtly love, which was not about the material aspect of love, but about developing the higher sensibilities through the love of a man and woman.

Sadly, the Cathars were arrested and brutally massacred by the Catholic Church in the 1300s.

Some of them escaped to different parts of Europe, but they also sent ships to the new world…

The Divine Sufi Poetry of RUMI

Rumi and the four stages of Love


Rumi is my favorite poet ever.  When I sing his poetry, I feel love and bliss…

I would like to offer you a sample of this…may it take you into deep meditation and love.


Maulana Rumi was probably the greatest mystical poet in the history of humanity because he was not only a master poet and writer–who wrote 3500 odes, 2000 quatrains, a book, a vast epic called the Mathnavi–but he was also a living mystic and Master of the highest order who reached spiritual perfection and Oneness with the Oversoul. Like all Masters, he had a direct inner vision of Light and Spirit, and this truth transcends all denominations; it is universal. Thus, Rumi is revered by many different religions and adored by lovers of God from all paths. His words of longing ring true to the universal condition. He also happened to be a very intellectual teacher and theologian with many many students who adored him, although he realized the emptiness of his book knowledge once he found his Master, Shams-i-Tabriz, and fell in love with the divine light in him, as tends to happen when we find our Master. His Master led him to the inner knowledge about which he had only read and studied in book form.

Rumi does not speak from a place of intellectual revelation, but rather direct inner experience with the higher self and Oversoul. He speaks of total passion for God. Everyone who has loved or has suffered in love feels the cries of passion that Rumi speaks of, the cries of pain at the soul’s separation from God. Rumi speaks of the importance of feeling this toal pain, which breaks the shell of our ego. True transformation demans scathing ordeals.

There is no salvation for the soul but to fall in love.It has to creep and crawl among the lovers first.Only lovers can escape from these two worlds. This was written in creation. Only from the heart can you reach the sky. The rose of glory can only be raised in the heart.

On Shams: The tender words we said to one another are stored in the secret heart of heaven. One day like the rain they will fall and spread and their mystery will grow green over the world.

As with any case of falling in love, we see our own qualities reflected in our Beloved, and a spiritual Master simply reflects to us our own highest divinity. When Rumi reached a state of Divine Oneness, he was so intoxicated on the divine elixir that he saw the Oneness in everything, and he started dancing in extasy, whirling around because he was so high on the inner bliss that he attained through hard discipline and long hours of meditation.

Rumi spoke of four stages on the way of passion and union with God, which is the journey of the soul to its origin, the transmutation of lover into the Beloved:

1. THE CALL. This is the awakening of the deepest self to find the origin of all selves, a faint remembrance of our divine origin.

Before gardner or vine or grape existed in this world

Our soul was drunk on this wine.

Before the universal soul became the world’s architect,

our life was happy

In the wine shop of divine realities.

Our soul was like the universe;

our soul’s cup like the sun,

And the universe was drowned in the light of the soul’s wine. –Rumi

This calling to return to origin occurs when one is no longer satisfied with worldly success and pleasure, and one feels depressed, empty, perhaps what Sartre referred to as existential nausea; there is the sense within that there is something deeper in life than material wealth and external success, then the search begins…One is led to a spiritual teacher, and one then starts on the path, whereby one must be committed to intense meditation, prayer, and a clean lifestyle, as referred to in all religious texts..

2. BEING A LOVER. The relationship with the Beloved grows through the direct living connection with the divine light and through immersion in devotion, prayer, meditation, and glimpses of light within. The heart is cultivated on the spiritual path.

3. ORDEAL. This is the hardest. In order for the last state of union to occur, the ego or “nafs” must be cleansed totally and a state of total annihilation reached, whereby the false self dies completely so the soul can be born. In this state, Rumi refers to the Beloved as the cruel, heart-ravishing Beloved, the one who cooks us and destroys us, to rebuild us! This is the true spiritual alchemy, whereby the Beloved places us in the fire to transform our base metal into gold.

The grapes of my body can only become wine

After the winemaker tramples me.

I surrender my spirit like grapes to his trampling

So my inmost heart can blaze and dance with joy

And although the grapes go on weeping blood and sobbing

I cannot bear anymore anguish

Any more cruelty..

The trampler stuffs cotton in his ears:

I am not working in ignorance,

You can deny me if you want

You have every excuse

But it is I who is the master of this work

And when through my passion

You reach perfection

You will never be done praising my name.

4. UNION. The extasy of having reached oneness with the divine Beloved; the marriage ceremony with God. But only when the ego is totally annihilated!



Oh my Beloved!

Take me, Liberate my soul,

Fill me with your love,

And release me from both worlds.

If I set my heart on anything but you,

Oh fire, burn me from inside!

Oh my Beloved

Take away what I want,

Take away what I do,

Take away everything that takes me from you.


I know nothing of two worlds-

All I know is the One–

I seek only One,

I know only One,

I find only One,

And I sing of only One.

I am so drunk

On the wine of my Beloved

That both worlds Have slipped from my reach.

Now I have no business here

But to reach For the cup of my Beloved.


The minute I heard my first love story

I started looking for you,

Not knowing how blind that was-

Lovers don’t finally meet somewhere;

They’re in eachother all along.


There is no salvation for the soul

but to fall in love.

It has to creep and crawl among the lovers first.

Only lovers can escape from these two worlds.

This was written in creation.

Only from the heart

can you reach the sky.

The rose of glory can only be raised in the heart.


Life without a Master

Is either deep sleep

Or death in disguise


This path Is not safe to travel alone-

The water is deadly,

The poison is sweet.

If you want to turn your rusty soul into gold,

Stay with the Master-

He is the alchemist.


We have burned all trace of work or profession;

We have nothing but poetry and love songs now.

We sing of heart, soul and the Beloved-

Only to burn all trace Of heart, soul and Beloved.


Do you want to be wise?

Throw all your wisdom away.

Do you want to know love?

Fill your heart with His love.


There are a myriad different ways to search

but the object of the search is always the same.

Don’t you see the roads to Mecca are all different…

One comes from Byzantium, another thru Syria…

When people reach the goal,

all quarrels or disputes flaired along the road are dissolved..

They forget all possible differences when they reach the goal.

There all hearts sing in unison.

__________________________________________ _

Polish your heart, my friend

And you’ll soar above all coloraAnd perfume–

Youll contemplate beauty ceaselessly.

You’ll abandon the form of conscoiousness and unfurl the flag of certainty.

And when the forms of the 8 paradises flame out

you will know you’re heart is receptive.

And from the heavens, the starry spheres, the void,

you will receive continually hundreds of impressions–

why do I say impressions–

I mean the direct vision of God.


Lift now the lid of the jar of heaven,

Pour, cupbearer, the wine of the invisible,

The name and sign of what has no sign.

Pour it abundantly.

It is you who enrich the soul–

Make the soul drunk and give it wings.

Come again always, rich one,

and teach all our cupbearers their sacred art.

Be a spring jetting from a heart of stone;

Break the pitcher of soul and body–

Make joyful all lovers of wine.

Ferment a restlessness in the heart

of the one who thinks only of bread–

Bread is a mason of the body’s prison;

Wine, a rain for the garden of the soul.

I’ve tied the ends of the earth together.

Lift now the lid of the jar of heaven

Close those eyes that see only faults

Contemplate those that only see the invisible

so no mosques or temples or idols remain

So this or that is drowned in his fire.


I discovered one day scented earth in my bathroom. I asked it whether it was musk or amber, for I was completely fascinated by it. The earth replied: “I once was merely earth, but because of my association with flowers, every particle of my substance has been saturated with their fragrance and I have become scented. Without this association, I would have become scented. Without this association, I would have remained the same earth.” Therefore, o heart, sit for a moment in the company of the wise, with faith and purity of mind, or take to the association of a highly spiritualized soul in utter humility. If, however, you fail to find such company, do not waste your time but sit alone in meditation on God. _________________________

Some say love combined with wisdom is the best.

Others say, discipline and practice is the best.

Oh, these words are more precious than gold,

But my life offered to Shams-I-Tabriz is the best.


To see the face of God, you must move quickly,

Escape every trap,

and have the strength to keep going.

Yet in the 18,000 worlds

One with a pure heart need not move at all.


I said, “my heart wants a kiss from you”.

You say, “the price of a kiss is Life.”

My heart came up beside me and said:

“It’s a cheap down payment.”


Last night my Beloved was giving me pleasure.

I told the night, do not reveal my secrets.

Night said, look around yourself.

You already have the sun; how can I bring the dawn?


Woman is a ray of God.

She is not that earthly beloved:

She is Creative, not created.


Because the idol is your face, I have become an idolater.

Because the wine is from your cup, I have become a drunkard.

In the existence of your love, I have become nonexistent.

This nonexistence linked To you is better than all existence.


Each moment revelation flashes from heaven to the soul;

How long will you live like dregs in wine?

Rise up! Your darkness makes you heavy like dregs–

Burn them in love! Rise clapping your hands to the top of the jar,

Don’t constantly stir up mud.

If you want your water clear

Let your dregs become transparent

Let your grief settle.

There is a soul like a flame

Its smoke is greater than its light

When there is too much smoke

there is no more light in the house

Lessen that smoke and flame will leap thru and bless you.

Don’t you know yet

It is your light that lights the worlds?

Stare into filthy water and how can you expect ever to see the moon and heaven?

The moon and heaven hides when the air grows dark;

It’s the north wind that scours the air pure

The morning breeze that sweeps all clouds from dawn;

It is tears of longing that clean the mirror of the heart.

Pray! pray always!

Meditation and adoration are your breath!

And if your breathing stops a moment

Your life will end!

The soul in its exile longs for its kingdom beyond space–

Why does its animal half feed so long in fields of death?

Your essential soul is noble

How long will you look in darkness?

You are the royal eagle!

Listen! The king is whistling for you!


Man’s original food is the light of God;

Material food is not for him;

But from disease, his mind has fallen into the delusion

That day and night he should eat only this food.

He is pale, weak and faint:

Where is the food of heaven which has starry tracks?

That is the food of the chosen,

Food eaten without fork or throat.


There is a force within

Which gives you life– Seek that.

In your body

Lies a priceless gem– Seek that.

O wandering sufi,

If you want to find The greatest treasure

Don’t look outside,

Look inside, and seek That.


Each moment

contains a hundred messages from God:

To every cry of “Oh God”

He answers a hundred time, “I am here.”


Remember always that all mystic sciences and exercices

All acts of passion and devotion,

In comparison with the real worth and majesty of God

Are as if someone came to you, bowed once,

Performed some perfunctory little service and then went away.

If you were to put the entire earth on your heart in serving God

It would be the same as bowing your head once to the ground.

I am not saying this to discourage you,

Only to instill in you some sense of proportion,

Some sense of the terrible glory of the one you love.

Abraham said God is the one who gives life and he who makes to die

Nimron said I am he who gives life and makes to die—what arrogance.

If God wants, the sun will rise in the west

and the mountains will vanish like smoke at one rush of his wind.

And all the seas will dissolve in vapor

and all the stars fall out of the sky in eternal darkness.

This is the power and this is the infinite majesty

And this is the glory of the one we are in love with;

never forget this,

For you will be in danger.

The path to Him is littered with the bones

of those who did not remember who they were looking for

and how great beyond all concepts

and beyond all imaginings and beyond all searchings

and beyond all realizations He always is.



The intellectual quest,

Though fine as pearl or coral,

Is not the spiritual search.

That spiritual search is on another level.

Spiritual wine is a different substance.


Knock, And He’ll open the door.

Vanish, and He’ll make you shine like the sun.

Fall, And He’ll raise you to the heavens.

Become nothing, And He’ll turn you into everything!


O flute you have no tongue yet you wail all day.

For whom do you cry?

The flute responsed: They took me from His sweet lips.

What else can I do but cry?


All the happiness in the world

does not ease this longing.

There is only one cure–the Beloved.


Enough, enough, enough with this burning!

I cried, and I burned in that cry.

I kept silent, and I burned in that silence.

Then I stayed away from extremes–

I went right down the middle–

And I burned in that middle.


Love came and it made me empty.

Love came and it filled me with the Beloved.

It became the blood in my body,

It became my arms and my legs,

It became everything!

Now all I have is a name,

The rest belongs to the Beloved.



Don’t sleep for just one night,

My beautiful friend,

And the treasure of Eternity will appear before you.

The sun of the invisible will warm you all night;

The collyrium of mystery will open your eyes.

This evening I beg you, fight against yourself,

Don’t sleep

So you discover those splendors that spread ecstasy.

It is at night beauties unveil themselves;

The one who sleeps never hears their soft calls.

The day’s for earning a living,

the night’s for love

So the eyes of the jealous cannot spy on you.

The rest of the world may sleep;

but real lovers

Throughout the night

talk inwardly with God…

All through the night God is calling us,

“Rise up, use this time richly, you poor woman!

If you don’t, you’ll burn with regret

When your soul’s separated from your body.”

_______________________________ ____

I died as mineral and became plant;

I died as plant and rose to an animal;

I died as animal and became a human;

Why should I fear?

When was I less when dying?

Once again,I shall die as human,

to ascend with the heavenly angels;

But even from the condition of angels

I must pass on.

Everything perishes except God.

When I have sacrificed my angel soul,

I will turn into what no mind can conceive of.

Oh! Let me not exist,

for non-exzistence

Proclaims in organ tones,

To Him we shall return!


The Lover is ever drunk with love;

He is free, he is mad,

He dances with ecstasy and delight.

Caught by our own thoughts,

We worry about every little thing,

But once we get drunk on that love,

Whatever will be, will be.


All poetry of Rumi translated beautifully by Jonathon Star and Shahram Shiva, or by Andrew Harvey.

Why I need to connect to Nature

Being in Nature is very important for incarnated angels and elementals. We recharge when we connect to Mother Earth, feeling her nurturing energy and releasing all of the tension of life into her green grasses and gentle waters. Elementals and fairies are everywhere in Nature, and they and Gaia herself give us healing energy and life force prana (which also comes from the sun and feeds the etheric body).

Being in Nature is literally grounding, as there is a whole new science called Earthing which describes how humans can greatly heal by touching our skin to the Earth itself, to establish an electric current. We are electric beings and we need the electric charge of Earth. Much chaos ensued when humans started wearing shoes that don’t allow us to ground (leather grounds you).  We lost our connection to Earth and our grounding.

My joy in childhood was spending all day in Nature, either surfing all day ’til sunset, or riding horses all day ’til sunset. Sheer bliss. Oneness and Love.

If it were my choice, I would live outdoors and sleep outdoors, under the stars. The book ANGEL MEDICINE by Doreen Virtue describes in detail how we need not only the sun rays regularly, but star and moon rays daily, to balance our chakras and feed our etheric bodies. That book is very special to me because it is an account of how we lived back in Atlantis.

We don’t realize how much we drain our electric and soul energy by being indoors and especially surrounded by electromagnetic fields. Luckily we can use technology to ground our homes and minimize the effects of electromagnetic fields.

When I am in pure wild Nature, as an empath, I feel the vibrations of the plants and trees, which have souls and need our love. As I mention throughout my blog, I feel that we humans are here on Earth as caretakers of all beings, here to love and nurture all of Creation, including plants, trees, animals and other humans.

Tree hugging is not a joke. If you hug a tree, not only does the tree feel and appreciate your love, but she/he will take on your lower energies and ground you, healing you and connecting you to the loving energies of Nature.

I am madly in love with my bunny

I never knew how deeply I could fall in love with a bunny rabbit.

She is adorable and perfect, and I am totally in love with her.

She is my little Taurus bunny, stubborn and fiesty, affectionate and adorable. She is just perfect (why wouldn’t she be, being ruled by the Goddess of Beauty Herself?). She rules my home and runs my life.

Bella loves to meditate with me. For hours on end. I love that she is silent.

I love silence and need to be able to meditate out of body for hours at a time. She sits in perfect stillness and meditates by my side.

Then she comes up to me and kisses me and licks me in the face for a long time…she is divine. She is pure love.

She is highly sensitive. It is known that as beings become more spiritually high-vibrating, higher in consciousness, their vibration becomes more refined and tuned into more subtle planes of consciousness, subtle feelings. In other words, higher-vibrating beings become more sensitive.My spiritual teacher said that once we become very attuned in our meditations, we will hear the cry of every ant, the song of every blade of grass. We see beyond the physical world, we feel deeply. We become more sensitive; we feel and hear the heart of every being.

Bella is extremely sensitive and I love that about her.  She is sweet, tender, gentle, sensitive, loving, kind, and also very strong. She is the master of her own domain (which is my domain, but now its hers 🙂  Bella rules 🙂

And she eats the diet that I wish i had the discipline to eat: totally raw vegan. Ah heavenly bunny.

I dream of a day where humans become angelical beings and do what I believe we are truly meant to do: live as divine beings, caretaking all of Mother Earth and her creatures…we are meant to be the healers of this planet. I feel it and know it within. And i truly believe that when that time comes, the lion will lie with the lamb. Humans will no longer be able to eat their fellow beings. They will communicate telepathically with all beings, as is the natural way of being. We will be empathic.

William Mistele, my mermaid Greeter, has said over and over that what mermaids bring to the human realm, which is now lacking, is pure empathy; the ability to feel other beings, rather than being mechanical material beings who have no empathy and cannot feel others…I know this day will come, if the human race is indeed to survive.

On Pluto and Dolphin’s milk…

I find myself constantly dying in my life. At times, everything feels like death to me, including my body, my heart, my soul. I really feel I am dying, or at least I want to.

Everything is over. dead. bleak. There is no joy, no feeling, just emptiness. And this means it is time to go to the underworld, where Persephone (see blog on her in the goddess archetype section) lives in meditation, to be reborn, with her consort, co-ruler of the Underworld, Hades (Pluto).

So I have come to realize that these deaths always bring forth some sort of rebirth in myself.

This is the work of Pluto, the planet of not only destruction, but transmutation (also known as alchemy, which is why I called this site goddess alchemy, the feminine side of transmutation). Pluto is the great transformer. It destroys, only to rebuild again. Pluto is where the word “plutonium” comes from; think nuclear war…

Pluto is associated with the Greek God/Archetype of Hades, ruler of the Underworld. It is known astrologically as a dark planet because it may destroy, but it also rules change, transformation, death of the old, birth, and rebirth…where a situation or belief is no longer needed, Pluto will transform it.

However, it is not like Uranus that comes along unexpectedly and jars things harshly; Pluto works subtly and affects the roots of our being.

I have Pluto in my 12th house, the house of the hidden unconscious, and it is conjunct ketu (my south node, which gives liberation, but through great suffering), which is extremely intense. Lots of death and transformation all the time, at a deep soul level. There is constant upheaval coming up from my subconscious and exploding on me, so it forces me to do inner work.

Luckily, life has given me amazing tools to deal with the constant upheaval. Today I just took the most amazing remedy called Lac Delfinum, or Dolphin’s milk. I have various homeopaths that I work with, some who specialize in sequential homeopathy,  and one who is a genius of classical homeopathy: Danny Murphy. His genius never ceases to amaze me.  He is Irish and British and totally charming and irritating at the same time (who ever knew I could love a gemini so much??? mind you, i did have a few fights with him to get through to the love…!)

I was so agitated and upset and even paranoid in the last while. And even my usual daily meditation practice wasn’t releasing this agitated, distrustful, angry state of mind. Then I had a horrible nightmare where I was trying to save a dolphin, taking it to a spiritual ashram, but they were cooking the dolphins..yes, that is why it was a horrendous nightmare. I had to take the dolphin out to the ocean. My heart hurts so much at how the animals suffer on this earth. Humans have not yet developed the empathy to FEEL other beings, like animals (or children). It is extremely tragic, and the one issue I wish I could change on earth. I pray so much for the innocent animals and children, who have no voice.

Well, Danny gave me the homeopathic remedy of dolphin’s milk, and I could swear someone drugged me.  Danny explained that this remedy is deeply calm and tranquil (under all the mistrust and other emotions), and I honestly feel so calm at a soul level. I only yearn to sit in silence and meditate, which is my favorite state of being 🙂

Meditation is my bliss, my ecstasy, my love, and my passion…so I am grateful to have remedies that can wipe out deeply disturbed states of mind and bring me back to blissful meditation which i love to do for hours on end ❤

So, I think it is important to remember that when you feel that everything is falling apart, being destroyed, dying…remember that Pluto is doing his job and the old is being released so that rebirth can occur…

And here are more notes on the rubrics of this fabulous remedy. Generally you want to consult a professional homeopath to help you match your exact symptoms with the remedy…but I find these remedies so totally fascinating that i love the idea of sharing them here…

Remember, we can see our nature reflected in the plants, animals, and mineral realm, and when we find our match, we take that substance in an energetic/potentized form to heal ourselves…I love that Danny now calls me a little dolphin!

Lac Delfinum.
Avoids the company of men and woman, and is more comfortable in the company of animals.
Deep love of animals.
Dreams of dolphin.
Dolphins operate in a pod, as families, and need to belong to a community, a family.
Fear of being rejected by family, pod, or community.
Slow metabolism.  All LACS have to do with digestion.
Lack of trust, suspicious, distrustful.
Feeling of a lack of safety.
community. threat. feeling threatened. the major threat to dolphins is from sharks!
more rubrics:
artistic aptitude. (dolphins sing, and dance, and play!)
feeling of being a failure.
lack of self confidence.
feeling alone, isolated, forsaken feelings, feeling of isolation.
dreams of fish, animals.
has visions.
feels separate from world.
helpful to people.
the duty of male is to make circles around female. dances around her. themes of circling.
very playful, chase one another. take huge leaps out of water.
very erotic, strong sexual energy .
strong sense of danger. desire to play.
In provings, sense of calmness.

calmness within. tranquility.

Goddess Archetypes

Archetype is a term coined by the great Swiss psychologist Carl Jung, and he described them as ancient and archaic images that derive from the collective unconscious (the causal or mental body), or innate universal psychic dispositions which form the basic symbols of the unconscious. They form a dynamic substratum common to all humanity. In other words, we could almost say that behavior is not individual, but rather universal. We are acting out universal patterns that exist in the mind of all of humanity.

Plato also spoke of archetypes, the eidos or ideas which were pure mental forms imprinted on the soul before birth.

Each archetype exists as an inherited potential in each man, and can be actualized when it enters consciousness as images or manifest as behavior.

There are a limitless number of archetypes that exist, and they are eternal and universal; in other words, they always have existed and always will.

Jung mapped out the soul (or causal body) with endless archetypes that he saw in humanity.

There are 5 main archetypes in the psyche:

The SELF, which is the center of the psyche. It contains the archetypes in it, and is the ideal that the person wishes to be. (Astrologically, I would call this the SUN).

The SHADOW includes the traits deep within us, hidden and usually repressed or denied. They often appear as the opposite of the self. We may have chosen to deny or repress these quailites in childhood, such as anger,  vulnerability, sexuality, etc.. It is very important to known and own the shadow qualities in order to become whole. (Astrologically, I would call this the 12th house)

The ANIMA is the inner feminine. (Astrologically, I would refer to this as venus).

The ANIMUS is the inner masculine.  (Astrologically, I would refer to this as mars.)

The PERSONA is the mask that we present to the world.  (Astrologically, I would refer to this as the ascendant).

The beauty is that we can activate or de-activate the archetypes consciously, using our will, although some of them will greatly color our being if they are very prominent in us.

Some of my favorite information about archetypes comes from the books called called GODDESSES IN EVERYWOMAN  (AND GODS IN EVERYMAN, for males) by Jean Shinoda Bolen, and she discusses goddess archetypes that exist within us females as powerful forces that influence what we do and how we feel, how we perceive the world. They make us all very different from one another.

For the females, there are goddesses in two categories: virgin goddess and the vulnerable goddesses.

The virgin goddesses (Artemisia, Hestia, Athena)  in themselves are not vulnerable. They were not victimized and did not suffer (in Greek mythology).  They are autonomous, unto themselves, and the virgin quality represents the independent, self-sufficient quality in women.  Artemisia and Athena are goal-oriented and logical thinkers, and Hestia is the spiritual priestess, focusing inward in meditation. They seek their own goals, and are self-sufficient.

The vulnerable goddesses–Hera, Demeter, and Persephone–represent the traditional roles of wife, mother, and daughter. They are relationship-oriented archetypes whose identities and well-being depend on significant relationships. They are attuned to others and vulnerable; all three goddesses were raped, abducted, dominated, or humiliated by male gods.  Each suffered in her own way when an attachment was broken or dishonored, and showed symptoms that resembled psychological illnesses.

Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love and Beauty, is in her own category as the alchemical goddess. She was the most beautiful and irresistible, and generated love and beauty, erotic attraction, sensuality, sexuality, and new life. She entered relationships by her own choice and was never victimized.  She values intensity, creativity, and an alchemical focus of attention that is both focused and receptive. She is a special goddess archetype.

There are many many many other innumerable goddess archetypes that we can contain within us.

Hestia: Goddess of the Hearth and Temple

The first main archetype is Hestia, the virgin goddess, virgin simply meaning that she was independent and unto herself, not vulnerable to hurt from others. Hestia is the goddess of the hearth and temple, and wise woman. She was specifically said to be the goddess of the fire burning around the hearth, present in the living flame at the center of a home or temple. In her Greek temples, the sacred fire was tended by the temple priestesses.

Hestia often was paired with Hermes, the messenger god, and in human relationships, it is not uncommon to see Hestia women paired with Hermes men.

Hestia the goddess stayed in her home or temple, and generally did not venture outside into the world to explore the wilderness or the city. She was quite anonymous, lacking a mask or persona to wear in public. Her consciousness was inwardly-directed toward her own subjective experience. While externally-focused goddess like Artemis or Athena focus on achieving goals, Hestia focuses inward in meditation and her intuitive abilities.

A woman who has a strong Hestia archetype may live in a home, temple or an ashram as a meditator, or may spend a lot of time meditating and connecting to her intuitive insights, feeling others from a deeper level. She is detached, as are all of the virgin goddesses. Her life has a deep sense of inner meaning, since she is connected to the spirit within, rather than focused outwardly on temporal objects or situations.

A Hestia woman is a wise woman who feels whole in herself, and is not generally attached to outer people, outcomes, prestige, or power. She doesn’t have a strong sense of ego, which is good for a spiritually-minded meditator or priestess, but could present a problem for a woman in the executive or normal world, in which case she will obviously have to cultivate other goddesses. She lacks ambition and drive, and does well in a profession that requires stillness and depth, such as being an art model, photographer, or psychologist.

In the myth, Hestia was the child of Rhea and Cronos, who swallowed her and later spit her out. And this parallel can be seen in Hestia women in their youth; they may have tyrannical fathers and depressed mothers, and feel quite alone. The tendency for Hestia is to withdraw emotionally, retreating inward for solace in a family or school life that feels foreign to her.

Hestia lives in a realm of timelessness, because she is in the flow of spiritual consciousness and the intuitive realm, whereby she loses sense of time.

Remember that every woman can have many archetypes present simultaneously, so a woman may have Hestia along with Aphrodite, as did the mystic St Teresa of Avila, noted for her ecstatic writings. Mother Teresa seemed to have Hestia along with Demeter, the mother goddess.

One can cultivate Hestia as an archetype within by finding quiet solitude in meditation, and doing housework in a way that is contemplative, meaningful, and free of time constraints. In order to contact Hestia, a woman must spent time alone inwardly, centered in the Self, rather than outward. Some women in contemplation naturally pour out poetry, which flows forth effortless, beyond ego, as a gift of grace.

Also, Hestia women generally lack assertiveness and don’t speak up if they feel devalued. It is important for her to learn to express her feelings. She also will have to learn to have a persona in the world, unless she retreats into a convent. It will be helpful for her to acquire assertiveness through Artemis or Athena.

We will speak more about each goddess in each subsequent blog…